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Wear to love - The history of denim

Mindennap hordjuk, a legnagyobb klasszikusok között tartjuk számon, mindenkinek a ruhatárában lapul legalább egy farmer holmi, mégsem tudjuk, hogy mi a története. Olvass tovább és eláruljuk!

We wear it every day, it is really the most essential part of one's wardrobe, yet we still don't know where it came from. Read on and let us educate you!

The history of jeans begun in the 19th century, when this mainly blue, durable and flexible material was only worn as uniform for workers. By the 20th century, in the 1960s and 1970s, to be exact, it found its way into fashion and then into our everyday wardrobes. The members of different subcultures, like punks and hippies loved to wear it, and by now, it's the basic foundation of any wardrobe.

A 20. századra, pontosabban a 1960-70-es évekre terjedt el a divatérában a farmer, amivel a különböző szubkultúrák, mint a punkok, hippiek is nagyon szerettek dolgozni. Napjainkra ez egyértelműen az általános, hétköznapi viselet egyik alappillére már.

One of the most important and most popular denim manufacturers, up until today, are Levi's. They live their Renaissance since early 2017 both in high fashion and street fashion. We can thank them for the basic and classic design of blue jeans. The first pair was made for a lumberman in the 1870's by a German businessman, Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis tailor. His colleagues loved the design, soon every one of them wanted their own pair of jeans, so the designers opened their own business. They used studs to strengthen the pockets and lined the jeans with white sailing canvas. 

A 20. századra, pontosabban a 1960-70-es évekre terjedt el a divatérában a farmer, amivel a különböző szubkultúrák, mint a punkok, hippiek is nagyon szerettek dolgozni. Napjainkra ez egyértelműen az általános, hétköznapi viselet egyik alappillére már.

They patented their design in 1873 and since then there is no stop to the reign Levi's treasures. The main competition to Levi Strauss & Co. is H. D. Lee's company, that was established in 1889. Their first hit were the union suits, called "Union All", the denim overalls many factory workers wear up until today. 

Jeans remained work uniforms until the mid 20th century, worn solely by factory workers, cowboys and farmers. Men's had their flies in the middle, while Women's were placed on the side. john Wayne, Gary Cooper and other western heroes appeared in them in the 1930s, and so these pants begun to symbolize freedom and individuality.  

Az 1930-as években John Wayne, Gary Cooper és mások westernfilmjeikben mint a szabadság és függetlenség jelképét viselték.

By the 1950s many young people started to wear jeans as a rebellion against conventions. It worked, as older generations were so offended by that notion they banned jeans from many public places, such as the theater and cinema. 

Soon musicians started the rock the new trend and we could see Elvis, Marlon Brando and the big names of the hippie movements in jeans. They even added painted and embroidered flowers to their designs. 

Idővel a zenészek is felkapták a szövetet, és olyan sztárokon köszönt vissza, mint Elvis Presley, Marlon Brando, majd a hippie mozgalmak szenteltek komoly kreatív teret a farmernek, akik különböző virágmintákat festettek és hímeztek a szabványos darabokra.

By the 1960s, wearing jeans became socially acceptable, and started to enter the European market. It was one f the most popular leisure wear items by the following decade. 
By the 1980s and 90s fashion designers started to recognize the trend and use the material for their collections. Calvin Klein, Giorgo Armani and Versace all started to design denim items. 

Az 1980–90-es években fedezték fel a divattervezők is és jelent meg a denim, mint alapanyag Calvin Klein, Giorgio Armani, Versace és mások kollekciójában.

These items certainly have a history, so it's no surprise we have a huge selection of denim at Szputnyik shop. 

Check out our collection of this iconic design. 

The Classics

jeans, levis, lee, szputnyik

These pieces need no introduction, they can be found in all our wardrobes. Either you prefer boyfriend, oversize, ripped or mom jeans you know exactly that you can never own enough jeans. Come to Szputnyik to get the newest addition to your collection from €20.  

The treasures

Mindennap hordjuk, a legnagyobb klasszikusok között tartjuk számon, mindenkinek a ruhatárában lapul legalább egy farmer holmi, mégsem tudjuk, hogy mi a története. Olvass tovább és eláruljuk!

Pieces of fashion history, designs by Levi's, Lee, Wrangler, Mustang, Hugo Boss and even from big fashion houses. You can even find a unique Versace denim piece from the 90s, or a pair of hand painted Armani jeans from € 30, if you browse our vintage denim selection. 

The unique designsextrem, jeans, szputnyik

We collect denim treasures from the past, however, we also keep our eyes open for the newest trends and styles. Did you know that flares are back? We know, f course, so you can get yours at Szputnyik shop for €23.


Mindennap hordjuk, a legnagyobb klasszikusok között tartjuk számon, mindenkinek a ruhatárában lapul legalább egy farmer holmi, mégsem tudjuk, hogy mi a története. Olvass tovább és eláruljuk!

Britney and Justin taught us, that denim is not only for your legs. The transitional weather is coming, and your best friend will be your denim jacket. Find them in many sizes, colors and styles at Szputnyik shop from € 26. Check some of our pieces online too:!

Reworked jeans

jeans, reworked, felvarró, szputnyik

There is a reason why denim is so popular: it's extremely durable, and even if it gets damages or stained, there are ways to save it. A way to do so is applying patches! We love this style so much, that we prepared some really unique jackets for you that are truly one of a kind! Get them from € 43!

Come, visit our D20 and K22 stores and get your favorite from our limited denim collection, so you'll have something to wear in the upcoming season!