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How to wear your pin? - New collection selection

A whole new collection of pins has arrived, so you're sure to find your favourite. There are hundreds of new pieces to choose from, including bug ones, animal ones and even prints of artwork.

Now we've sorted them by colour to help you navigate the maze of pins and pick the perfect one to adorn your bag or jacket. Plus, we'll give you some tips on where these special pieces can look great.

But why have they become so fashionable again?

Since 2015, they have become increasingly popular and are starting to spread on various social media sites. Moreover, it's a very apt way to show off your style, and it's equally possible for men and women.

How to wear your pin? 

Tips and ideas on where a colourful little piece looks best.

Tip 1: Put your pin on the collar of your shirt. This will make it look like a little dress accessory. And if you want multiple pins, place one on the left side and one on the right side of the collar. Just make sure they match in colour and theme.

Tip 2: This piece can also look great on the lapels of a jacket or blazer. Loosens up a serious look and brightens up monochrome outfits.

Tip 3: Missing button? No problem. You can easily replace it with a super pin. It'll make your set both fun and practical. A real upcycle solution for vintage clothes.

Tip 4: You can always dress up a low-cut dress by adding a pin to the bottom of the V-line. It'll make your pretty bag even more glamorous.

Tip 5: And the tried-and-tested denim jackets and leather jackets will also be on show. You can always decorate them with one or even many small pins. They look good on almost any part of the jacket, but we mainly recommend around the bust and pockets.

Tip 6: A few well-worn pins on a sweatshirt can also be perfect. On a V-neck piece, you can even put it in the middle. Or on the side, or even on the arm, a nice little pin can look great.

Tip 7: You can even put it on a hat. You can always add them to a solid baseball cap, but you can't go wrong with a fisherman's cap.

Tip 8: You can always put it on a bag. Whether you put it on your Fjallraven backpack or a super vintage piece, it's sure to match. You don't even have to worry about the quantities here. You can put as many as you want on a larger bag if you choose your collection well.
Tip 9: Pins also look great on a scarf, feel free to use it as a head scarf and it will turn into a headdress, or put the scarf around your neck and tie it with a fancy pin.

Come and visit us at 20 Dohány Street, or browse our webshop for hundreds of new pieces.