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How to wear nude colors?

One of the most amazing and exciting trends this year is the use of nude shades, which we also adore in this blog.

We have observed that year after year, one tone or color world dominates the world of fashion. Take, for example, Panton color stars or shades that are popular year after year by big fashion companies.

We can say that every year certain colors are the most popular and the most fashionable. Thank God, it is not our duty to put down a vote in addition to just one color if we want to enter the dressing room proudly and victoriously. Among the colors of the seasons, we also find ones that can be easily associated with the seasons as well. 
If we look at this pleasant color of the earth, the atmosphere of an autumn afternoon comes to life in us, which will soon become topical, but due to its curiosity and versatility, it will stand its ground even in the summer everyday life.

Moreover, we can say that the cinnamon / brown / beige colors have now taken possession of a separate style trend, thus becoming the flagships of purity and elegance for those who like an easily digestible style. Whether it’s a vintage sense of life or modern shapes, the world of natural colors offers opportunities that both security gamers and attention-grabbers can enjoy.
Are you a security player? Use subdued tones in black or white. Hide a natural color in one of the corners of your outfit! Gradually use the shades to confidently take to the streets later, even in a completely monochrome set!

Do you like attention? Absolutely a trump card these days in a completely monochrome set! Let’s talk here about shades of a particular color or even the same color from head to toe. However, if you break the set with, say, a white T-shirt, shirt, or blouse, the end result can still be spectacular. Use gold accessories to combine warm colors to create a perfect overall look! 
Among our accessories, you can find plenty of options that will crown your style. With the restrained and clean design of our watches, you will not only know the time, but also how much confidence a suitable accessory can give.

Gold earrings, necklaces and sunglasses. They are all part of perfection when it comes to fashion. Take a look at our selections and get inspired by our sets!
Naturally, in the daily rush, it is not easy to take care of beauty all the time. However, with this color, we can cut it comfortably and confidently for our tasks, without any effort. 
Regardless of age and physique, it is a grateful choice. This color is completely light and smooth. In addition to its calming effect, it still lends us an energetic look. 
Pants fill a very significant portion of our outfits, so it’s important to choose the right one. In Sputnik you can also find carrot, boyfriend, jogger, skirt pants and straight lines.
Because of its Free Size scaling, it offers plenty of options so you can let go of your fears about sizes. Just let them find you!
Nor is our men's department exempt from our products that represent style. A line of T-shirts and shirts await you to combine with your existing favorites to bring a new color to your wardrobes!
The variety of our skirts is overwhelmed only by the possibilities of usability. Shiny, tulle, mini, maxi, patterned, solid color and anything you can imagine.

Come to us with a specific idea or just let the selection inspire you in our shop or webshop!